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mediates your copyright disputes

Fair remuneration for your work should be obvious. Yet all too often that doesn’t happen. Images are constantly being downloaded from the Internet to be uploaded again elsewhere  without permission and without compensation for the author. Yet these images are often created by a professional photographer who then loses income as a result. That’s where Visual Rights Group comes in.


We provide that fair compensation, because fair p(l)ay is important. We do this on one hand by detecting and rectifying infringements in a clear, transparent way. We contact the infringer and clearly explain the infringement, how we operate and what the costs are. On the other hand, we also want to focus on prevention by informing them about the legal way to use visual content online.

Have you received a letter from us?

Yes, I have received a letter from Visual Rights Group and would like some more information.

Photographer or agency?

Our specialised staff can help you identify and resolve infringements.

I want to know more about how Visual Rights Group can help me.

Mediating copyright infringements

Using a combination of artificial intelligence (AI) and quality checks, our experts monitor our customers’ images on the Internet. Most websites purchase their photos legally. But sometimes others ignore copyright, which affects the photographer who expects to be compensated for the use of his/her work.

When a photographer indicates that a photo he/she has taken is being used without his/her consent, our specialised legal team looks into the matter in detail. After a thorough analysis, they determine whether or not there is a copyright infringement. If in their opinion this is indeed the case, they will try to resolve the matter amicably as far as possible.

Educate and prevent

Prevention is of course better than cure. That is why we also focus on prevention: by informing people about how copyright works, and how to use image content legally. You can find information about copyright law here.

Proud partner of, among others:


We have been a satisfied partner of Visual Rights Group since 2016. The platform is very user-friendly and easy to work with for us. The image abuse in our sector is unfortunately huge and for us the control of this was far too time-consuming and costly, which only made the image abuse worse. Thanks to Visual Rights Group's approach, image abuse has been greatly reduced in many countries, and the licence fees we lost have now been more than recouped. We have even gained new customers as a result. If you also have a large image collection, we can definitely recommend contacting Visual Rights Group.
The European Pressphoto Agency's (epa) daily production of over 2000 news images reaches the global market mainly through our shareholders and distributors. The copyright protection of our images demands a very delicate approach as so many partners are involved in the licensing of the epa photography. With Visual Rights Group we found the right partner: Finding an infringement is just the starting point of the process. Visual Rights Group brings each infringement into a satisfactory solution.

Thanks to the ‘Special export support corona’ subsidy from FIT Flanders, we can restart our plans which were previously canceled by Covid-19. With this support from FIT Flanders, internationalization can get a boost again.